August 14. 2024

Hybrid Oven & Direct Gas Fired Oven

The Direct Gas Fired (DGF) concept is designed to facilitate baking at higher temperatures with increased moisture during the initial stages of the baking process. This method is particularly beneficial for products that require a strong initial heat to set the structure and achieve a desired crust.

Our Area Sales Manager, Holger Schieweck, gives you an introduction to SENIUS Direct Gas Fired ovens and SENIUS Hybrid ovens where he explains the advantages of a hybrid oven and the compelling reasons for combining Impingement and Direct Gas Fired ovens.

In our informative video Holger Schieweck discusses these advanced baking solutions. Discover how the SENIUS Direct Gas Fired and Hybrid ovens can improve your baking process, by providing you with the tools to produce high-quality, consistent products that meet the demands of your customers.

Why Choose a Hybrid Oven?

A hybrid oven combines the strengths of both DGF and Impingement ovens, offering flexibility and control in the baking process.

Here are some key benefits:

    • Optimal Heat Distribution: The combination of Direct Gas Fired and Impingement technology ensures even heat distribution throughout the baking chamber. This leads to consistent results across all product types.


    • Enhanced Moisture Control: The ability to bake with higher moisture levels at the start, provided by the DGF section, followed by the precise heat control of the Impingement section, helps in achieving the perfect texture and crumb for your products.


    • Versatility: Hybrid ovens are suitable for a wide range of bakery products, from crackers and biscuits to flat bread and pizzas. The flexible design allows bakers to adjust settings to meet specific product requirements.


    • Efficiency: By utilizing the strengths of both oven types, hybrid ovens can lead to reduced baking times and energy savings, contributing to overall operational efficiency.


Hybrid Tunnel Oven with Impingement and Direct Gas Fired Oven
Hybrid oven illustration with Impingement Oven and Direct Gas Fired Oven

Why Combine DGF and Impingement Ovens?

Combining these two oven types allows bakeries to optimize their baking process by leveraging the high-intensity heat and moisture of the DGF oven in the initial baking stages, followed by the precise, controlled heat of the Impingement oven to finish the bake. This results in products with superior quality, texture, and consistency.

Get in Touch

For more information about our Direct Gas Fired and Hybrid ovens, or to discuss how these solutions can be integrated into your bakery, please contact us. Our team is ready to assist you in finding the best equipment to optimize your production.